What kills a yeast infection on dog s skin
Yeast infection in dogs: A vet's guide to causes and treatment
A yeast infection in dogs is a very common diagnosis in veterinary practice. Many dogs suffer from skin and ear complaints, and yeasts are a frequent contributing factor to these. But did you know that even normal dogs have a small number ofcommensal yeastspresent on their body at any one time?
These low levels do not cause an issue in healthy dogs, but in animals suffering from underlying conditions such as skin allergies orseborrhoea, these yeasts can start to multiply. This increases levels of discomfort, causing itchiness and skin redness.
In this article, well explore yeast infections in more detail, including treatment options and preventative measures.
Symptoms of yeast infections in dogs
Yeast infections commonly occur in the ear canals of dogs, contributing toear infections. Yeast problems can also be seen anywhere on the skin, but most commonly in warm moist skin folds, in-between toes, and around the nail beds.
If you are wondering how to identify a yeast infection in dogs, there are some characteristic symptoms to look out for. These include:
- Increased itchiness
- Inflamed, red or pink skin
- An increased odor to the skin or ear canals
- Discoloration of the nail beds or paws
- Greasy, scaly skin
- Increased discharge and wax in the ears
What causes yeast infections?
Yeast infections usually occur secondary to other issues. Yeasts are found in low numbers on normal dogs in places like the ear canals and lip margins, usually causing no issues.
But in a dog that has an underlying skin condition, these yeasts are given optimum conditions in which to multiply. The most common yeast infection in dogs is known as Malassezia dermatitis caused by a yeast calledMalassezia pachydermatis.
The types of underlying conditions that can predispose a dog to secondary yeast infections include:
- Skin allergies
- Bacterial skin infections (pyoderma)
- Skin conditions likeseborrheic dermatitis
- Hormonal conditions likehypothyroidism
- Excessive skin folds (as seen in breeds like Shar Peis and English Bulldogs)
- Parasitism (infections with mites or fleas)
When to visit the vet
Get your dog examined if they are showing any of the previously listed symptoms of yeast infection. You should visit your vet as soon as you think there might be a problem, rather than trying to manage the problem at home. The longer things are left untreated the worse they could become.
How are yeast infections diagnosed?
Your vet will start by examining your dog. This could include looking down his ears with an auroscope (a tool used to examine ear canals), as well as checking his skin and paws.
Samples are sometimes taken for analysis.Cytologycan be performed, where samples of skin or ear wax are examined under the microscope. This allows your vet to see the yeasts, as well as any bacteria. Swabs may be taken for culture to check for any concurrent bacterial infections. Your vet will also be looking to rule out other causes of skin disease such as parasites.
How to care for a dog with a yeast infection
If your dog is diagnosed with a yeast infection then your vet will usually prescribe you some medication. The exact type will depend on the location of the yeast infection. For ear infections, topical ear drops and ear cleaners could be advised. For skin infections, medicated shampoos or washes are used. Occasionally, oral medications like ketoconazole are used, although this is rare.
Sometimes additional medications are required such as steroids (which are potent anti-inflammatories) to help with inflammation and itchiness and antibiotics (if a bacterial infection is also present). Other allergy medications may be discussed or perhaps a prescription diet to carry out a food trial if your dog is suspected to have afood allergy.
Home remedies for yeast infections
There are no proven home remedies for yeast infections in dogs. Prescription medications are usually required to treat your pet effectively. So, rather than spending money and time on products bought online, take your dog straight to the vet for a check over.
What food causes yeast infection in dogs?
There is no specific food type that will definitely cause yeast infections in dogs. Some animals have underlying allergies to certain ingredients found in dog food though, leaving them more prone to a secondary skin infection.
Everyday ingredients like chicken or beef could cause flare ups in some dogs, so adietary trialmay need to be performed to work out what your pets individual triggers are. Unless your dog has a proven allergy, his diet will not be causing his yeast infection.
What to feed when a dog has a yeast infection
No one diet is right for all dogs with yeast infections. Avoiding ingredients that have been identified as allergic triggers (through a proper dietary trial) is important. Diets are also available for improving general skin and coat condition, which contain things like extraessential fatty acids- this can be helpful in some cases of inflammatory skin disease.
Preventing yeast infections in dogs
Preventing yeast infections usually involves managing the underlying cause of your dogs skin complaint effectively.
Skin allergies may require regular allergy medications. Allergy testing can also be performed to try and help work out the cause of your dogs flare ups, with dietary trials being used to identify potential food triggers.
Dogs that have excess skin folds may need maintenance therapy to try to keep on top of moist areas. Medicated wipes can be useful for these animals.
Otherwise just keeping a close eye on your dogs skin and ears is a good idea, so that you can get them checked out if you notice any problems.
Yeast infections are very commonly seen in dogs and are usually secondary to an underlying skin complaint, such as allergies. If you think your dog is showing signs of a yeast infection, then make sure you take them to your vet for a check over as soon as possible.
Yeast Dermatitis (Malassezia) in Dogs: Signs, Symptoms, Treatments
Humans and dogs both uncomfortable when the weather gets hot and humid. That combination creates the perfect environment for yeast to grow and multiply on your dogs skin. An overgrowth of yeast can lead to a condition called yeast dermatitis in dogs or Malassezia dermatitis.
Dogs with yeast dermatitis tend to have itchy and inflamed skin, and they may be very uncomfortable. Heres what you need to know about Malassezia in dogs, including causes, symptoms, prevention, and treatment.
What Causes Yeast Dermatitis in Dogs?
Malassezia pachydermatis is a yeast (which is also a fungus). Its a normal inhabitant of a dogs skin, ears, and mucous membranes. A problem only occurs when theres too theres too much of this yeast, leading to secondary issues like a yeast infection, says Dr. Amy Attas, VMD of New York-based practice City Pets. Yeast dermatitis isnt a contagious disease, so a dog cant get Malassezia from another dog.
There are two main reasons why dogs develop yeast dermatitis: factors in the environment and factors in the patient. Being in hot and humid weather, as well as going for a walk on a rainy day, can increase the likelihood of a dog developing a yeast infection. In these circumstances, dirt and moisture can get trapped between their toes or skin folds, creating an ideal breeding ground for yeast. In addition to environmental factors, dogs may have some kind of issue that helps the yeast go from colonizing i.e., normal numbers to becoming infected, she says.
The most common cause of yeast dermatitis in dogs is allergies, including food sensitivities. Dogs with allergies tend to get a lot of yeast infections on their feet, their skin, and in their ears, she says. Another cause of yeast dermatitis in dogs may be problems with a dogs immune system. For example, if a dog has been on long-term antibiotics, their immune systems may be weaker, making the dog more prone to contracting an illness. In addition to treating harmful bacteria, antibiotics can also kill some of the ones that are keeping the Malassezia in check, Dr. Attas says. Yeast are opportunistic organisms that are going to take over if the patient has issues.
Symptoms Yeast Dermatitis in Dogs
Too much yeast in a particular area can cause the skin or tissue inside the ear to become inflamed. When this happens, dogs get uncomfortable and may seek relief by rubbing or scratching the affected area. Once a dog starts to get itchy, they can create an environment for a secondary infection in the ears or on the skin, Dr. Attas explains. Here are symptoms to look for in a dog with Malassezia:
- Itchy or inflamed skin
- Smelling like sour milk
- Coat that feels greasy to the touch
- Hair loss
- Scaly skin
- Skin turning black or become thickened if left untreated
- Dark brown, greasy discharge with a foul smell
Diagnosing Yeast Dermatitis in Dogs
Sometimes, because of the sour milk odor, a veterinarian can tell that your dog has Malassezia dermatitis just by smelling them. But before administering treatment, theyll confirm the diagnosis by collecting a sample of the dermatitis. There are several ways they can obtain a sample for testing.
If theres abundant discharge in the ears or on the skin, you can use a Q-tip and make a very thin preparation on a slide, Dr. Attas says. Then you can look at it under the microscope with special staining. Another painless option is doing an acetate tape preparation, which involves taking a piece of tape, pressing it against the area that looks infected, and peeling off the tape. The vet will then place the tape on a microscopic slide for further inspection.
A third way to get a sample is with a skin scraping. The vet will take a scalpel blade and gently take off the top layer of cells, which doesnt hurt the dog. It doesnt bleed and that gives an abundant supply of organisms to check under the microscope, she says.
If necessary, your vet may conduct a diagnostic test called a punch biopsy to see if theres a lot of yeast in an area, she explains. The vet might need to examine a full layer of skin to make a proper diagnosis and come up with a treatment plan. A punch biopsy involves using a sharp cutting tool to remove a small, tube-shaped piece of skin for microscopic examination. In most cases, this test isnt necessary.
Treatments for Yeast Dermatitis in Dogs
Typically, the treatment for yeast dermatitis in dogs involves topical agents (meaning you apply them directly to the body), like medicated dog shampoo, leave-in conditioner, and mousse. If your dog has a skin infection and Malassezia is the only yeast present, your vet may recommend using an antiseptic cleanser with an ingredient like chlorhexidine or a topical cream or spray with ingredient like ketoconazole. Yeast dermatitis may take a bit longer to treat than a bacterial infection.
Depending on how bad the infection is, you may need to bathe your dog one to three times a week, Dr. Attas says. If a dog is really greasy, Dr. Attas suggests using a degreasing cleanser for dogs (with an ingredient to cut through the grease like benzoyl peroxide) in combination with an anti-yeast shampoo for dogs. Using a degreasing cleanser helps ensure that the anti-yeast shampoo is making good contact with the skin.
The decision to use topicals is made based on how much of the body is affected and where on the body it is, Dr. Attas explains. For example, you wouldnt want to use shampoo for a yeast infection around your dogs eyes. In such cases, the vet might recommend treating the infection with oral medication.
Your vet might also prescribe oral medications if your dogs infection isnt improving or if its making them very uncomfortable. These oral antifungals for dogs include ketoconazole, itraconazole, fluconazole, and terbinafine. Theyre given orally and are metabolized through the liver, she says. If a dog needs to be on them for a prolonged period of time, well need to monitor their blood work.
Yeast Dermatitis: Prognosis and Prevention
To avoid chronic Malassezia infections, your vet may recommend early treatment. They may also recommend taking steps to keep yeast in check.
Breeds Predisposed to Yeast Dermatitis
Some dog breeds, like the West Highland White Terrier, Cocker Spaniel, Poodle, and Dachshund, are predisposed to developing yeast dermatitis. Other dogs that are prone to allergies and yeast infections are those with long, floppy ears or skin folds, great places for fungus to hide. They tend to be the same breeds that are overrepresented for allergies, Dr. Attas says. Thats the key thing here, if we dont address allergies, were not going to get these dogs better.
These dogs may also recover from yeast dermatitis, then contract another infection if the cause of the underlying allergy isnt addressed. So if your dog has allergies and recurrent yeast infections, be sure to talk to your vet.
Keep Your Dog Clean and Dry
Water can get into the ear canal when your dog goes for a swim. Then, if they have a floppy ear, weve just created a warm and moist environment thats very inviting to these organisms, Dr. Attas says. After your dog has a bath or goes swimming, make sure to dry their ears. You can use a cotton ball or sprinkle on an ear-drying agent that you put in the ear, rub around, and wipe clean.
Overweight dogs may be prone to allergies and yeast infections, as will dogs with long, floppy ears and dogs with lots of skin folds. Those folds tend to get moist and warm, so keeping them clean and dry will help prevent yeast from coming back, Dr. Attas says.
Bulldogs may be at higher risk of yeast on their feet because there isnt much space between their toes. If they go for a walk in the rain or mud, be sure to clean and dry their feet afterward.
Dr. Attas reminds owners that yeast is an organism that loves humidity. So once youve dealt with allergies, yeast dermatitis and infections will tend to be less of a problem. Cleaning skin folds and drying your dogs ears will make a less welcoming environment for yeast organisms and relieve some of your dogs discomfort.